RASC News Agency: Local sources in Ghazni province have reported the assassination of a young man under suspicious circumstances. On Wednesday, March 19, officials at Ghazni Provincial Hospital confirmed the discovery of a bullet-riddled corpse in the Moshiki area of Qarabagh district, which has since been transferred to the hospital’s morgue. According to sources, the victim’s identity remains unknown, and no information has surfaced regarding his family. The motive behind the killing is yet to be determined, and thus far, the Taliban have remained silent on the incident.
This latest killing adds to a growing wave of mysterious assassinations reported across the country in recent days. The alarming surge in violent crimes has deepened public anxiety, exposing the stark contrast between the Taliban’s claims of nationwide security and the grim reality on the ground. Despite their repeated assertions of peace and stability, Afghanistani citizens including women, youths, and tribal elders continue to be targeted and executed under unexplained circumstances, with no authority held accountable.
Reports indicate that when victims’ families seek answers regarding the motives and perpetrators behind these killings, they are met with threats of death from Taliban officials. Citizens lament that under Taliban rule, nothing is secure not their lives, not their wealth, and not even their dignity. Many recount that even the most trivial dispute with a Taliban member can turn fatal, with the victim’s body returned to their family the very next day.
The Taliban’s forces operate with unchecked impunity, arbitrarily abducting and executing individuals at will. They routinely claim to be conducting investigations, yet when families return to follow up on these so-called inquiries, they are instead met with threats of arrest and accusations of insubordination.