RASC News Agency: Medicines Sans Frontiers recently announced that many Afghanistani residing in Pakistan for decades are now facing alarming expulsion. According to a statement released by the organization on Wednesday, April 17th, these migrants have spent most of their lives in Pakistan and lack any legal recourse to remain in what they consider their only “home.”
The organization emphasized that for many Afghanistanis, this “expulsion” involves packing their belongings and transporting them collectively via horse-drawn carts, trucks, and mass exodus to a country currently grappling with widespread poverty, inadequate healthcare services, and increasing restrictions on women. As per media reports, Pakistan previously declared the initiation of the second phase of expelling Afghanistani refugees, including nearly 800,000 holders of Afghanistani Citizen Cards (ACC), who have been instructed to leave the country.
They face threats upon expulsion, and it seems that the third phase of expelling refugees will target holders of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) cards. Close to 4.4 million Afghanistanis reside in Pakistan, and reports indicate that since the commencement of the expulsion process, around 500,000 individuals have been expelled and repatriated to Afghanistan.