RASC News Agency: According to local sources from Ghazni province, the Taliban group closed an educational center in this province due to the presence of several female students.
Sources have told the media that on Wednesday, August 30, the agents of the Department of Amr Bil Maruf of the Taliban group in Ghazni province raided a private language and have blocked a computer-training center due to the presence of several female students in a classroom in the center of this province.
According to the sources, the Taliban group blocked the gate of this educational center when several female students were studying in a class of this center.
It should be noted that almost a month ago, the Taliban group ordered the educational centers in this province that girls do not have the right to enter the educational centers of this province.
These restrictions are a continuation of the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the Taliban group on Afghanistani women and girls.
It is worth mentioning that the Taliban group has closed the gates of girls’ universities and schools above the sixth grade to girls since their domination of the country.
It should be noted that the prohibitions and restrictions imposed on Afghanistani women and girls by the Taliban group are becoming more severe every day. In the latest order of this group, they prohibited the presence of women and girls in the Band Amir National Park and the Rawza Sharif of Mazar-e-Sharif.