RASC: Young people and elites all over Afghanistan one after the other are disheartened and disappointed to continue their education and drop out.
They say the reason for dropping out of school is the unclear and unknown future in the country.
Noor Farooq, one of the medical students of Kandahar University, tells RASC that he has no motivation to continue his studies and is hopeless about the future.
He says: “Three years ago, I was very interested in the university and the course because at that time I was hopeful about my future; but now I have no interest in continuing my studies.”
Sarah, who is one of the students of the Faculty of Engineering, says that she has been waiting for two years for universities to open for girls; but his patience has run out and she is extremely disappointed.
She says: “Since the Taliban rule, the pressure and restrictions have increased every day, and we are not allowed to continue our education.” Why are girls’ schools above sixth grade and universities closed and no one raises their voices, we have the right to study and learn, why did the Taliban take this right away from us?”
On the other hand, countless young people are hesitating and wandering these days for the university entrance exam, the queues for university entrance exam registration have become shorter.
Osman Shah has come to receive the registration form for the university entrance exam, but he says: “The current conditions and confusion have made me not well prepared. Now I am thinking about how to succeed and get into the field of my choice under these conditions.” »
He went on to say that poverty and scarcity is one of the reasons why he and other young people are reluctant to continue their education and has forced them to work more and study less.
It should be said that the re-rule of the Taliban group, poverty, migration of students and the lack of elite professors are the main reasons for the youth’s discouragement towards continuing their education in the country.