RASC News Agency: Some residents of Herat Province in western Afghanistan assert that compared to the Taliban regime, the corrupt government of Ashraf Ghani provided significantly better conditions for the country’s citizens, offering a more favorable working environment than the present circumstances. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a resident of Herat Province informed RASC News Agency on Thursday, Mar 14, that although various forms of corruption prevailed at the highest levels within the administrative system of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai’s government, the working environment and employment prospects were far superior under the Republic compared to the current situation under Taliban rule.
He emphasized that true security in a country entails readily available employment opportunities for its citizens, along with their complete satisfaction with the governing authorities. Presently, he noted, 85% of Afghanistanis express concern about the lack of employment opportunities and their inability to voice concerns against the Taliban, indicating the devastation facing the Afghanistani people and the growing despair among residents across various provinces of the country.
Similarly, another resident of Herat Province, who declined to be named in the report, conveyed to RASC News Agency that both the elite and the impoverished segments of society are grappling with unemployment and poverty, confronting numerous life challenges. He stressed that unless a fundamental solution to this dilemma is found for the people of Afghanistan, the country will remain prosperous only for the privileged few in power, while the rest continue to suffer and struggle until the end of their days.
Meanwhile, Jalil Ahmadzai, a civil activist in western Afghanistan, told RASC News Agency that governments’ role should be to create an appealing living and working environment for the country’s residents rather than witnessing a daily decline in people’s morale due to unemployment and poverty. He suggested that if this trend persists for the people of Afghanistan, it necessitates the emergence of a new system led by a strong leader to address these prevailing challenges.
However, Morad Moradi, a well-informed individual in western Afghanistan, affirmed that the employment situation has deteriorated compared to the early days of the Taliban’s presence in Afghanistan, which is understandable and unbearable for many families. He emphasized that unless job opportunities for Afghanistani youth are created within the country, they will be unwilling to seek employment abroad and spend their prime years away from Afghanistan.
Furthermore, Aref Najibi, a prominent Afghanistani trader, informed RASC News Agency that by initiating various development projects in the country, hundreds and thousands of young people could be provided with employment opportunities. He stressed that this would not only create job opportunities for numerous families but also yield positive effects on the country’s overall development. He underscored that under the Taliban regime, both domestic and foreign traders and investors are striving to generate employment opportunities for Afghanistan’s residents by launching and operating various projects.
Moreover, Taliban authorities in Herat Province and other western provinces of Afghanistan have also confirmed that the inauguration of development projects has facilitated job opportunities for many unemployed individuals in society. Notably, Herat Province, in western Afghanistan, stands out as one of the regions where numerous development projects have been implemented.