RASC News Agency: Sources from Kabul report that the Taliban’s intelligence agency has detained the head of a private religious school in the 315 area of Khairkhana. The detainee, identified as Mohammad Nasir Maleki, has been serving as an instructor at the Mu’adh ibn Jabal religious school in the New Project area of Khairkhana for 17 years. Maleki is originally from the Tawakh region in the Anaba district of Panjshir province. According to a close relative, Maleki was apprehended by Taliban intelligence at approximately 5:00 PM on Sunday, January 27, while on his way to the mosque. The reasons for his arrest and his current status remain unknown.
The Taliban have not provided any explanation to his family; however, sources claim that his detention stems from his Tajik ethnicity and Panjshiri origin. Under the Taliban regime, simply being from Panjshir is often treated as a criminal offense. Driven by deep-seated animosity toward Tajiks and the people of Panjshir, the Taliban frequently detain, torture, and execute individuals on accusations of affiliation with or support for the National Resistance Front. In just the past week, eight Tajik and Panjshiri citizens were reportedly arrested, tortured, and executed by the Taliban.
Despite claiming to have seized control of Afghanistan under the banner of Sharia law, with significant political and financial support from the United States, the Taliban remain mired in ethnic and tribal biases. This has led to the establishment of a regime that is mono-ethnic, mono-linguistic, mono-cultural, mono-gender, and mono-sectarian. Within Tajik-dominated regions, the Taliban have openly waged a campaign against the language, culture, and heritage of the Tajik people, further marginalizing them in their own homeland.