RASC News Agency: Reliable sources from Kabul Province report that a Pakistani citizen, holding an Afghanistani identity card, who had established an iron smelting factory in Kabul, has fled with millions of kabuli rupees. Sources informed the media on Wednesday, Feb 28, that this Pakistani citizen, with the cooperation and guarantee of one of the Taliban’s managers in the group’s power supply company, managed to obtain an Afghanistani identity card.
According to sources, this individual, with the assistance of the Taliban group, established the iron smelting factory alongside several other traders whose identities have not yet been precisely identified. Sources add that this Pakistani citizen, known as Younis Muhammad, fled from Afghanistan to Pakistan after collecting millions of kabuli rupees.
Meanwhile, documents obtained by the media indicate that this factory, registered under the name of the Pakistani citizen who acquired an Afghanistani identity card, owes 10 million Kabuli rupees to the Taliban’s power supply company and 900,000 dollars to citizens of this country who sell scrap iron.