RASC News Agency: Several domestic and international aid organizations operating in Bamiyan province have allegedly deviated from their humanitarian mandates, transforming instead into hubs of corruption, collusion with the Taliban, and the exploitation of female employees. Local sources in Bamiyan confirm the existence of substantial evidence indicating the systematic embezzlement of humanitarian aid by these organizations. According to reports, hundreds of aid cards intended for the most vulnerable populations have been illicitly distributed to Taliban militants. Furthermore, in the allocation of aid and execution of development projects, preference has been given to the relatives and close associates of Taliban officials, with key employment positions awarded to their affiliates.
Yet, this is only a glimpse into the pervasive corruption permeating these institutions. A highly credible source has revealed that certain officials within these organizations have deliberately recruited women under the guise of promoting inclusivity, deceiving international donors while simultaneously subjecting female employees to exploitation. The source further alleges that instances of sexual abuse, including rape, have occurred, asserting that concrete evidence and the identities of the perpetrators will be disclosed at an appropriate time.
This dire situation stems from the absence of effective oversight by both civil society and international bodies, casting serious doubts on the integrity and legitimacy of these humanitarian organizations. While these institutions engage in unethical and unlawful practices with impunity, the country’s political and administrative systems remain deeply mired in corruption. If Afghanistan’s governance were not entrenched in systemic corruption, and institutions were held accountable under the rule of law, such humanitarian catastrophes would never be allowed to unfold.