RASC News Agency: Reports from Bamyan province indicate a significant increase in Taliban inspections, with personal mobile phones now being subjected to searches by the group’s intelligence forces. On Thursday, August 8, sources revealed that Taliban intelligence forces violently assaulted a doctor in the Foladi Valley, the central area of Bamyan, after discovering music stored on his mobile phone.
According to these sources, Taliban intelligence officers have been dispatched from Kabul to Bamyan, where they are conducting widespread searches of residents and thoroughly examining their personal mobile devices. In the past week, the Taliban have notably escalated their inspection operations in central Bamyan. The rationale behind the deployment of these intelligence forces from Kabul to Bamiyan remains undisclosed.
Throughout their three-year reign, the Taliban have imposed increasingly stringent restrictions on the daily lives of citizens, frequently violating individual privacy. There have been numerous instances where Taliban forces have disregarded the privacy of citizens at roadblocks and military checkpoints. They have entered homes without court orders, arresting and physically assaulting residents.
Moreover, Taliban forces, acting without judicial authorization, have searched the mobile phones of numerous individuals, often subjecting them to interrogation based on the content found on their devices.