RASC News Agency: The Ministry of Agriculture of the Taliban group in Kandahar province has recently announced the organization of the first saffron exhibition in the province. According to a report from Afghanistan’s national television network, which operates under the Taliban group, the exhibition titled “Kandahari Saffron” was held on Friday ( November 24th) and was attended by several saffron farmers from the province. According to the media outlet managed by the Taliban group, saffron farmers from different districts of Kandahar province showcased their products at this exhibition.
Furthermore, based on the report by the Bakhtar News Agency under the management of the Taliban group, officials in Kandahar province have stated that 441 acres of land in the central and district areas of the province have been cultivated with saffron. It is worth noting that according to reports, Herat province in western Afghanistan has the highest saffron production and has repeatedly been recognized as the “best saffron in the world” among dozens of countries.
It is also noteworthy that this saffron exhibition is being held in Kandahar province, where previously, some saffron traders had requested the Taliban group to create better trading opportunities for this product. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that according to published reports from Herat province, some saffron farmers have reported a decrease in sales and expressed concerns about this issue.
Meanwhile, according to some saffron producers in Herat province, due to challenges in the country’s banking system, receiving payment for exported saffron from various countries has become difficult and problematic. It is worth mentioning that saffron is a valuable plant that is not only economically beneficial but also used for producing herbal medicines for depression, cooking, and particularly in the production of dyes.