RASC News Agency: Newly surfaced images from Farah Province reveal that the Taliban have enforced a mandatory uniform policy for male students in the region, further reflecting their efforts to reshape both the outward appearance and inner beliefs of the younger generation according to their ideological principles. The Taliban’s Ministry of Education, in early February, passed an official “Uniform Regulation”, making it compulsory for students and teachers in schools to wear a traditional tunic and trousers (pirahan-tunban), accompanied by either a cap or turban. The directive provides explicit details on the colors and sizes of the uniforms, leaving no room for deviation.
The circulated images depict high school students dressed in white tunics and trousers, with black-and-white turbans. According to local sources, adherence to this uniform code has become mandatory, and students have been sternly warned that failure to comply will result in expulsion.
Additionally, a newly obtained directive outlines more specific age-based uniform requirements:
Students in grades 1 to 9 at public schools are required to wear blue tunics and trousers, along with a cap.
Students in grades 10 to 12 must wear white uniforms and are also obligated to wear turbans.
These actions by the Taliban signal a broader effort to reshape Afghanistan’s educational and cultural landscape, with the mounting pressure on students to conform to their ideological agenda becoming increasingly evident.